These guys are the kings of ski equipment -
Peter Hardy - UK's Top Ski Journalist
nobody in Europe or indeed in North America knows more about
ski and boot rental than Jock & Susan Dun of Snowberry
Recommended for - very good skiers
Side edge angle - 88°
Model choice - 4 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - good skiers
Side edge angle - 88°
Model choice - 4 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - good skiers
Side edge angle - 88°
Model choice - 1 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - good skiers
Side edge angle - 88°
Model choice - 4 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - good skiers
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 4 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - good skiers
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 4 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - good skiers
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 2 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - good skiers
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 2 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - good skiers
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 1 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - 10+ weeks / good skiers
Side edge angle - 88°
Model choice - 10 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - 10+ weeks / good skiers
Side edge angle - 88° / 89°
Model choice - 8 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - 10+ weeks / good skiers
Side edge angle - 88° / 89°
Model choice - 5 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - 3 - 12 weeks experience
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 8 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - 3 - 12 weeks experience
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 2 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - 1 - 4 weeks experience
Side edge angle - 88°
Model choice - 4 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - 0 - 2 weeks experience
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 2 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025
Recommended for - good skiers / racers
Side edge angle - 88° / 89°
Model choice - 1 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025 / 2024
Recommended for - good skiers / racers
Side edge angle - 88° / 89°
Model choice - 1 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025 / 2024
Recommended for - good skiers / racers
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 2 (all retail models)
Age - new season 2025 / 2024
Recommended for - 0-4 weeks experience
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 1
Age - new season 2025 / 2024
Recommended for - 0-4 weeks experience
Side edge angle - 89°
Model choice - 1
Age - new season 2025 / 2024
Recommended for - beginners
Model choice - 1
Age - new season 2025 / 2024
As all good skiers know, the importance of correctly fitted ski boots cannot be overestimated. It is absolutely key to successful skiing - comfort, performance and improvement.
The key to good bootfitting is shell (model) selection. As every boot model varies in length, width, instep height, volume distribution, ankle and toe box areas, this is extremely difficult.
Wrong shell selection (size and shape) is the single biggest problem skiers have with rental boots.
Sidas Winter 3 feet - medium (unisex)
Sidas Marino 3 feet - medium (girls)
Sidas Winter 3 feet - medium (unisex)
Sidas Marino 3 feet - medium (girls)
Sidas Winter 3 feet - medium (unisex)
Sidas Marino 3 feet - medium (girls)
Sidas Winter 3 feet - medium (unisex)
Sidas Marino 3 feet - medium (girls)
Sidas Winter 3 feet - medium (unisex)
Sidas Marino 3 feet - medium (girls)
Sidas Winter 3 feet - medium (unisex)
Sidas Marino 3 feet - medium (girls)
Sidas Winter 3 feet - medium (unisex)
Sidas Marino 3 feet - medium (girls)
Sidas Winter 3 feet - medium (unisex)
Sidas Marino 3 feet - medium (girls)
Sidas Winter 3 feet - medium (unisex)
Sidas Marino 3 feet - medium (girls)
Traditionally when renting ski boots you get asked your shoe size and a pair of boots is thrown at you. Boots are usually at least a size too big and the wrong shape. Your foot moves around offering no control over the ski, your feet hurt and you MAKE NO PROGRESS! and your holiday is ruined. Sound familiar?
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You may well think all ski shops have skis and all ski shops have boots and they’re all the same so all that matters is who has the cheapest price - but you couldn’t be further from the truth!
Most of the rest of this website is taken up with telling you all about what it is that makes our skis and our boots different from everyone else’s, and they certainly are way, way different from everyone else’s – but there’s more to us than just our equipment.
Just as important is our personality – what makes us tick! We’re not businessmen stuck in an office somewhere, moving numbers around to make money out of other people’s products. We’re people just like you. Some of us are instructors and some of us ski or board just for fun but we do this because we love the sport and we love the lifestyle. We’ve been in the ski hire game for 30 years now and almost a dozen of our team have been working with us since the mid 1990’s, so we’re all great friends rather than just work colleagues. All of this makes a massive difference, the atmosphere in the shops is young, fun and all about skiing or snowboarding – a real community of us,, our friends, and our clients many of whom have also become friends over the years.
We’re also not complacent. Although people are constantly telling us how good we are (thanks!), we don’t rest on our laurels. We are always looking for ways to adjust and fine tune what we do and how we do it so it’s even better every year. And what’s more we don’t compare ourselves against our competitors, we are constantly looking at how good WE want to be, whether we are there yet and how we can get there. Needless to say, we’re constantly moving the goalposts so the search for absolute perfection continues – but we’re getting closer and closer every year!
Booking with Snowberry combines the best of all worlds – the convenience of a modern and efficient online booking system with the personal touch and attention to detail of a face to face service.
Prior to making your booking, you’ll find pretty much everything we can think of that you might need to know on this site, but if there’s anything we’ve forgotten or you need more information about, just email us through the contact form and we’ll get right back to you. Whether you want to know more about the literally hundreds of different models of skis we have in stock, have an enquiry about our transport service, wonder which of our shops is more convenient for where you’ll be staying or want to check availability for our exclusive in-chalet fitting service, just drop us a line. We will usually get back to you within a few hours at most.
Once you’ve got all of the information you need, our online booking system has been designed exclusively by us. It’s not like most of the other booking sites you will find which are literally only interested in getting you to tick a couple of boxes and enter your card details! We don’t just ask you what ability level of skis you want, we ask you what kind of skiing you would like to do and give you the option to choose the age of your skis and of course what price you pay for them. We also record all of the other info we need to provide you with the best and most suitable equipment and not just “a pair of silver skis”, to properly and safely adjust your bindings in accordance with ISO standards and to prepare your booking and all of the paperwork before you come in to collect it.
Lastly, once we receive your booking it doesn’t just go into a computer system as it does with other shops. It goes straight into Susan’s email in box where she checks every detail to make sure it’s all correct and everything makes sense. Don’t be surprised if you get an email from us checking you’ve booked for the right date or renal period, suggesting you might find or other shop more convenient than the one you have booked for or saying that we think you might have over-estimated your ability as a 3 week skier and would probably be better with intermediate skis rather than the expert ones you have booked!
The personal service continues right up to your arrival day, through your holiday and beyond. Any problems, queries, or whatever, you just have to ask and we’ll get back to you right away. We are not bound by systems, small print and red tape. Our mantra is and always has been good, old-fashioned customer service so we’ll do whatever we can – within reason – to make sure your Snowberry ski hire is the best you’ve ever had.
When is a ski not a ski? Cheap rental skis, the kind of things you find even in the top ranges in most other rental shops, are skis of course, but they are not the skis you think they are. They may LOOK almost identical but that’s because they are designed to fool you, to make you think you’re getting the Real McCoy when you’re not.
The one on the left is the Faction Dancer 2X, one of the most popular all mountain skis in our Expert Plus range. The one on the right is actually an almost identical-looking ski called the Dancer 2X PM. While it looks pretty similar to the proper high-end expert level ski we stock and has the same profile, inside it’s totally different. Most importantly, the PM does away with the 2 layers of Titanal which are one of the major defining factors of the real ski, giving it the strength, power and grip which our clients love.
This is just one example of the sort of thing other shops stock to cheapen their rental buying costs and to con you into thinking what you get from them is the same as what you will get from Snowberry. Ski rental is saturated with cheap, poor quality EQUIPMENT IMITATIONS produced exclusively for the cheap rental market.
They are constructed from sub-standard, inferior materials. They offer terrible skiing performance, comfort or safety charateristics and bear NO SIMILARITY to the real ski.
Other issues with rental skis at all levels from beginner right up to expert which is what you will get from other shops are thicker and duller edges, cheaper bases which don’t run as fast or as smoothly, cheaper and less responsive materials used in the core and less (or no) layers to provide pop and liveliness or enhance torsional rigidity for grip and power. What you see is not always what you get.
At Snowberry we don’t carry cheap rental skis or look-alike copies of popular models designed to con you into thinking you are getting the top skis. What you see is always what you get. Beware - cheap ski hire is cheap for a reason!
Most shops buy only a sprinkling of new equipment to window-dress and you still pay the same whether you’re one of the lucky ones who does get current season skis or – more likely – one of the unlucky ones who gets skis that can often be 5 or more seasons old. We don’t think that’s fair!
So we buy in over 500 pairs of brand new skis every year and if you book from our Premium range you’re guaranteed to ski on the very best of the new 2025 skis, from beginner right up to expert and even for children. No other shop gives you this guarantee.
Everyone’s different – what one person thinks is the best ski ever made is someone else’s “piece of wet spaghetti”! And even if you love the skis you take out on day one, conditions change, you may have booked a guide for a day off-piste or you might just want to try something different.
So many shops have literally just two or three options in each of their ranges. They may say you can change when you want but when you do want, there’s a good chance you’ll be told they don’t have what you want to change into! We have over 1600 pairs of adult skis in our racks, spread over more than 150 different models for all ability levels from beginner to expert, with niche brands like Faction, Kastle and Black Crows as well as the well known big names, and many models you just won’t find available for rental anywhere else.
At Snowberry we can proudly say we carry one of the widest ranges of different styles and models of skis for rental anywhere in the World.
Traditionally when renting ski boots you get asked your shoe size and a pair of boots is thrown at you. Boots are usually at least a size too big and the wrong shape. Your foot moves around offering no control over the ski, your feet hurt and you MAKE NO PROGRESS! and your holiday is ruined. Sound familiar?
Far too many even supposedly-reputable ski shops worldwide just ask you your shoe size and hand you a pair of boots as if they were bowling shoes.
This horrifies us. Your boots are without any doubt the most important item of your ski equipment and just because you are renting them rather than buying your own boots that’s no reason to take the whole fitting procedure any less seriously.
With nearly 40 years’ experience at the cutting edge of both sales and rental bootfitting we have developed our own unique and highly professional bootfitting system, refining the sales bootfitting process to work in rental, no other shop in the world does this.
We start not just by measuring your foot size (some shops don’t even do that) but by analysing your whole foot and lower leg. We then select the model from our range of over 50 different models of adult boots and more than 20 for children to follow most closely the overall 3D shape of your foot to give the closest and most comfortable fit. We adjust and if necessary customise the fit to take into account any problem areas.
And lastly all of our rental boots are fitted with SIDAS skier orthotics to support and stabilise your foot giving more comfort and better performance.
Snowberry has developed a unique process for fitting ski boots in rental. This process is based on exactly the same principles you would experience in one of the world’s leading retail fitting centres and is based on a 3-Step Process.
The first stage of your boot fit is a thorough examination of both feet to allow us to select the correct shell shape and boot model.
This involves is a unique 8-point analysis –
The information gained from your foot analysis enables us to select the most suitable boot from over 60 different models for adults and another 27 models for kids. The aim is to select the boot that best resembles the shape of your foot which will hold your foot firmly but comfortably.
The key to good bootfitting is shell (model) selection. As every boot model varies in length, width, instep height, volume distribution, ankle and toe box areas, this is extremely difficult.
Wrong shell selection is the single biggest problem skiers have with rental boots.
Very few skiers actually know how to put a ski boot on and clip it up correctly.
For this reason, we personally fit every boot - opening the shell up, sliding your foot in and correctly clipping it up, explaining the importance of this process - especially regarding comfort, boot performance, cold feet and safety issues regarding binding release.
Do not underestimate the importance of this. It sets the foot correctly in the boot, and believe it or not, improves your skiing performance and keeps your feet more comfortable and warmer.
Proper boot-fitting starts by stabilizing the foot and limiting the dynamic mobility of the foot which is the main limiting factor when trying to fit boots correctly. To do this we put orthotics in every boot.
The orthotic is THE ESSENTIAL, without one you will end up with a boot that is far too big, the result - your foot will move around leading to lack of control, pain and discomfort.
It is impossible to fit a ski boot correctly without firstly stabilising the foot using a skier specific orthotic - it simply cannot be done!
Snowberry are the ONLY shop that we know of that actively uses a system of orthotics in ALL our rental boots (even for juniors).
Draw what conclusions you wish from this!
It is safe to say that every single skier, beginner to expert, needs some sort of sports orthotic in their ski boot.
Proper boot-fitting starts by stabilizing the foot and limiting the dynamic mobility of the foot which is the main limiting factor when trying to select the correct shell shape and fit a boot correctly.
To do this we use a skier orthotic.
The orthotic is THE ESSENTIAL part of bootfitting, without one you cannot select the correct shell size and shape and will end up having to use a boot that is far too big, the result - your foot will move around leading to lack of control, pain and discomfort.
It is impossible to fit a ski boot correctly without firstly stabilising the foot using a skier specific orthotic - it simply cannot be done!
Snowberry are the ONLY shop that we know of that actively uses a system of orthotics in ALL our rental boots (even for juniors).
Draw what conclusions you wish from this!
The human foot is an extremely complex structure. It's dynamic in character and constantly changes its shape, volume, height and length as you weight and unweight it - ie as you flex in a ski boot.
So how on earth are you supposed to fit this foot – with no fixed shape or length - into the fixed confines of a hard plastic ski boot without it being at best uncomfortable and at worst excruciatingly painful?
The easy answer is by fitting a boot that is far to big.
Remember that every boot model has a slightly different shape so only certain models are suitable for certain feet.
Only by using an orthotic can we fit you in the correct shape and size of boot.
It is absolutely correct to say that you cannot fit select the correct boot shell and therefore fit a ski boot properly without first addressing foot instability issues.
The orthotic also has many other benefits relating to comfort and ultimately performance.
By supporting and stabilising the foot an orthotic will help to reduce foot movement in the boot which can cause rubbing and bruising. Blood flow is also improved resulting in warmer toes.
A supported foot has better contact with the boot and ski resulting in better feeling and control and it also improves body alignment - all of which lead to better performance.
If you have hired ski boots elsewhere in the past you may very well have experienced at least some of the following problems, all of which can be improved by using an orthotic -
PROBLEM your foot moves inside your boot
PROBLEM you tend to over tighten the front clips of your boots
PROBLEM you sometimes suffer from cramping under the foot
PROBLEM your forefoot goes numb especially when skiing hard
PROBLEM you suffer from cold feet
PROBLEM you get rubbing on your inside ankle bone
PROBLEM your foot continually aches and hurts
PROBLEM you get bruising on your shin
PROBLEM your toes hit the ends of your boots
PROBLEM you find it hard to control your skis
PROBLEM your ski tips wobble when you travel straight
PROBLEM you find edging difficult
PROBLEM you’re getting blisters
PROBLEM you have a bunion
Like everything else in life, skis don’t perform as well as they get older. A ski straight out of the packet is full of life and rebound, the edges are beautifully tuned and the bases are smooth and run perfectly. As it gets a bit older the core materials start to break down and the ski loses a bit of its pop and reactiveness, strength and grip, the edges naturally become a little rounder every time burrs have to be serviced off and the base gets just that little bit thinner and doesn’t hold wax quite as well so it doesn’t run as smoothly.
It's not even just about the skis. Newer bindings are much safer - the springs are more accurate, and the binding won’t rip out, leading to a ruined day or a serious injury - and newer boots hold your foot more securely (better for both comfort and performance) and fit better into the binding so they’re safer too.
Our Premium range is all guaranteed brand new equipment for the 24/25 season or you can opt to make great savings by compromising – jut a little – with our online only special offers for the Standard range of one year old skis or our Eco skis from the 22/23 season. Even this older equipment is stll newer and in way bettter condition than much of what you’ll get at higher prices in other shops! .
No matter where you’re staying in Val d’Isère, from Le Fornet to La Daille and everywhere in between, Snowberry is your closest and easiest ski hire shop.
Our courtesy transport service runs all weekend. Just call our dedicated transport line and we will send one of our go-anywhere landrovers to collect you, bring you to the shop to be fitted with your equipment and then take you back afterwards.
Just call this number on arrival into resort -
Ski Hire Isn't All The Same
Other shops may charge you for the luxury of changing your skis, or say you can change as often as you like but end up having nothing suitable when you do want something else. At Snowberry not only do we offer unlimited free changes within the same price point, we also have over 1600 pairs of skis in stock, covering over 100 different models.
So whether you’re planning a day off-piste, the conditions have changed overnight, you want to have a go on a snowboard for a day or you just don’t like the first skis you have, we will always have plenty of options for you and without a change fee, of course.
Ski Hire Isn't All The Same
Our overnight storage facility at our Slopeside shop just across from the nursery slopes and main lifts gives you’re the luxury of dropping your equipment off with us every evening and collecting it again in the morning. No more lugging it all back to the chalet every night with tired and hungry kids in tow, or head straight to après ski without your skis or boots to bother about.
Ski Hire Isn't All The Same
Proper ski and boot hire is not simple, straight forward or guaranteed, it requires a high degree of technical knowledge, experience and input to get it correct.
Listening to your needs and advising you on the best most suitable gear and then fitting it correctly is key to you having an enjoyable and positive skiing experience. And believe me this is NOT easy or straight forward. This needs a high level of technical knowledge and experience.
Our staff team are our secret ingredient.
No ‘untrained Saturday boys’, we are true technical experts, we have some of the most experienced staff in the ski industry.
We worked out we have almost 200 seasons of combined experience in the business between us.
Most of us are qualified ski instructors, and some have been with us for over 25 years, so we know what we are doing.
And we all speak English as a first language.
Return your equipment earlier than planned and other shops will only refund you if you are ill or injured, only with a medical cetificate and only for the person actually injured – not much good if a parent also has to stop skiing to look after an ill child.
Our policy for early return of our hired equipment is totally transparent and honest. You only pay for the equipment for the length of time you have it, so if you return all or part of your equipment earlier than intended we will give you an immediate refund for the remaining hire period, regardless of the reason for the early return.
Please note equipment must be returned in order to receive a refund and that you must return the equipment by close of business the day before to receive a refund for the following day.
Ski Hire Isn't All The Same
A totally unique range of skis you’ll not find anywhere else, our Expert Plus category features 23 different models of the very best of the best skis on the market. Choose from short, medium and long-turning piste and racecarve skis – frontside, 50:50 and backside all-mountain options – specialist off-piste models and proper park skis. Niche brands and models that no-one else carries in rental, for good advanced level skiers upwards.
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Our beginner skis aren’t older skis for better skiers, downgraded to beginner level when they’re past their best. They are proper beginner skis for beginner skiers, specifically designed for learning – soft flexing so they’re easy to turn and don’t throw you off balance with every mistake, and wider underfoot to stop them catching and give you plenty of stability.
CDesigned for skiers who have got to grips with the basics and are starting to ski faster and progressing from plough to parallel. These skis are narrower and stiffer than at beginner level so they support the developing skier throughout the turn at slightly higher speeds; are quicker edge to edge, grip better, react more quickly and don’t collapse when edged but encourage carving.
This category covers a wide range of abilities from developed intermediates to technically-skilled skiers who like to take things gently. At the lower level, ski construction and geometry encourage continual development towards clean carving while still allowing you to skid the end of the turn to get out of trouble. Higher end skis in this range are equivalent to the top level offered by most other shops and while mainly focused on groomed slope use also include a range of narrow all mountain skis for deeper conditions.
Our top ranges of equipment are one thing that really differentiates us from other shops. Most shops don’t carry this stuff at all and those that do will have a couple of options, possibly cheap rental look-alikes. We have over 20 different models of brand new, proper top end, retail specific skis in our Advanced To Expert range, We don’t just say you can change your equipment if you want, we have almost endless options for you to change into during your stay.
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Our beginner range of junior skis are wide underfoot for balance and stability and soft flexing, making them easy to turn and meaning they don’t react immediately to the slightest wobble, allowing your child to correct mistakes rather than falling over. The whole point is for them to have fun while learning to ski. Skis go down to 65cms for children as young as two or three and go up to age 12.
Our beginner range of junior skis are wide underfoot for balance and stability and soft flexing, making them easy to turn and meaning they don’t react immediately to the slightest wobble, allowing your child to correct mistakes rather than falling over. The whole point is for them to have fun while learning to ski. Skis go down to 65cms for children as young as two or three and go up to age 12.
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Our top end junior skis are designed for children who have grown up in resorts or skiing several times a year or who race on dry slopes or snow. We have SL and GS style junior race skis and a small range of junior all mountain and off piste models. These skis need to be skied properly so your child needs to be a strong skier. Suitable for children from around 9 to 12 years depending on their height. Stock is limited especially in peak weeks so please book well in advance.
Our top end junior skis are designed for children who have grown up in resorts or skiing several times a year or who race on dry slopes or snow. We have SL and GS style junior race skis and a small range of junior all mountain and off piste models. These skis need to be skied properly so your child needs to be a strong skier. Suitable for children from around 9 to 12 years depending on their height. Stock is limited especially in peak weeks so please book well in advance.
Our top end junior skis are designed for children who have grown up in resorts or skiing several times a year or who race on dry slopes or snow. We have SL and GS style junior race skis and a small range of junior all mountain and off piste models. These skis need to be skied properly so your child needs to be a strong skier. Suitable for children from around 9 to 12 years depending on their height. Stock is limited especially in peak weeks so please book well in advance.
Content currently being updated.
Content currently being updated.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
Our main shop is very conveniently located half way down the main street in the centre of Val d'Isere. Ideal for all town centre accomodation and hotels but also just 50m from the FREE bus service stops that come from all parts of Val d'Isere - La Daille to Le Fornet. So its also easy to access the main lifts and pistes at Rond Point, La Daille and Le Fornet.
Streetside is a true 'Mountain Centre' - our bootlab and 'Ski Genius' desk are located here. You can also book all types of ski instruction as well as other mountain activities such as dog sledging, paraponting and even ice diving here. Our ski 'TECH GENIUS' desk is here whee we will try and answer all your technical equipment questions. The 'Guide 2 Val d'Isere' Info desk is also located at Streetside to answer any queries about te town, accomodation, restaurant requirements etc.
Please note - we cannot operate our courtesy transport service (weekends) to this shop due to parking restrictions so if you think you want a lift to the shop please select our Slopeside shop.
Opening Hours -
Monday 8.30am - 7.00pm / Tuesday - Thursday 8.30am - 12.30am & 3.30pm - 7-00pm
Friday 8.30am - 7.00pm / Saturday - Sunday 8.30am - 8.00pm
Ideally located right next to the access lifts to the main slopes and nursery / beginner area at Rond Point des Pistes. Just walk accross the road and your on the snow front. Easily accessible from all parts of Val d'Isere via the very efficient free bus service.
This is the shop we operate our courtesy transort service to at weekends, we'll pick you up from your accomodation and run you back again once you've got your gear. You can also leave your skis here over night so you don't need to carry them around after skiing - and pick them up again in the morning ready to ski again.
Please note that we can't store boots overnight because there is just not enough room but you can come in wearing your shoes and carrying your boots and then leave your shoes in the shop fot the day.
Please note - you cannot pick-up 'LOWCOST' or 'Touring / Offpiste Safety' gear from Slopeside.
Opening Hours -
Monday 8.30am - 6.30pm / Tuesday - Thursday 8.30am - 12.00am & 3.30pm - 6-30pm
Friday 8.30am - 7.00pm / Saturday - Sunday 8.30am - 8.00pm
Who said ski hire should consist of:
We've looked at all of this, and everything else, that's wrong with the way ski hire has "traditionally" been done and then looked at how it SHOULD be done. And that's what you will find at Snowberry.
Elsewhere you pay the same price whether you're one of the lucky ones who gets one of the very few pairs of new skis or one of the unlucky ones who gets kit that's a long way past its sell by date. We don't think that's fair!
We believe if you want new skis you should be able to book them and be guaranteed to get them, and if you are prepared to compromise on older skis you should get a cheaper price - so that's the way we do it.
Likewise, with boots and bootfitting, we're horrified how little importance (none!) other shops place on getting it right. It's quite simple, if your boots are wrong you might as well forget it! With other shops, if you're lucky they just might measure the length of your feet but many don't even bother with that.
At Snowberry we carry out a full eight point, four dimensional foot analysis, and that's before we use our expertise to select not just the right size but the right shape as well from our range of over 60 different boot models.
On top of that there's our fantastic staff (almost 400 season's of experience between us), our two huge and superbly-located shops and all of our unique, innovative and exclusive "Snowberry Extras" designed to make your ski hire experience - and your whole holiday - as perfect as possible.
Ski shops are NOT all the same.
Snowberry is widely regarded as one of the best ski hire shops in the world and for good reason. At Snowberry we have always specialized JUST in rental and we're passionate about making the whole rental experience as great as it can be. Over the years we have taken the whole concept of ski hire back to the drawing board and re-designed it bit by bit.Of course our equipment is what it's really all about, and we certainly believe that it's our job and our responsibility to make sure you get the very best and most suitable equipment for your time on the slopes.
Once again we've bought way more rental kit than any other shop in town - in fact probably more than most of them put together.
We don't buy cheap rental versions. We don't put intermediate skis in our advanced categories to keep our costs down. We don't window dress with a few shiny, new skis which hardly anyone is ever going to get. And we don't buy second rate brands that no-one every heard of or chain store own brand models either.
Nor do we mislead you by telling you our skis are "top quality", "recent", "high end" or whatever. And we certainly don't con you by showing you pictures of the latest models and hiding "or similar" in the small print only for you to find that the "similar" model you are give on arrival is nothing like the ski you hoped for in style, quality or age. Ok, it has a bendy bit at the front and a bit you stick your feet in the middle, but that's where the similarity ends!
Rent from Snowberry and we give you the choice of this season's new skis, last season's ones or our two season old budget kit - STILL newer and in better condition than the stuff you will end up with from a lot of shops in town. YOU choose how old your skis are, and the price of course matches!
Our policy is simple and clear, if you need to cancel all or part of your hire for any reason whatsoever prior to collection of the equipment just drop us an email, we will cancel or amend your booking and immediately refund the full amount you have paid for the hire.
Be aware that most other shops and ski hire websites will only refund if you have paid for additional cancellation insurance, for a strictly limited number of reasons and/or will impose hefty cancellation charges which may be as much as the whole hire price for last minute cancellations.
At Snowberry it goes without saying that you can change your equipment as often as you like within the same initial price bracket and that we don’t charge you a penny for the privilege of doing so!
Whether you don’t like the first skis, you want to try two or three different models, you have a day off-piste, you fancy an afternoon on a board or you just want to try something else, just pop in and we’ll swap them over for you. Swaps are of course subject to availability and there would be an additional charge if you upgrade to a more expensive category!
This section is currently being updated
Once again, our policy for early return of our hired equipment is totally transparent and honest. You only pay for the equipment for the length of time you have it, so if you return all or part of your equipment earlier than intended we will give you an immediate refund for the remaining hire period there and then, regardless of the reason for the early return .
Third Party Websites - Watch out for agency websites that either do not refund for early returns at all or will only do so for illness or injury, only on production of a medical report and/or only for the person who is actually ill/injured which is not much use if you have to stop skiing too to look after an ill child! You will also only be refunded much later after claiming from the website and not the shop itself.
Please note: equipment must be returned in order to receive a refund and that you must return the equipment by close of business the day before to receive a refund for the following day.
Your SNOWBERRY skis are properly and fully serviced before EVERY rental. This includes base repair, edge sharpening, structuring, waxing and detuning.
However, you are also welcome to bring your rental skis or board in any time during the rental period for us to freshen them up again so they’re good as new. This is especially valuable when conditions are very icy.
The condition of your skis / board is critical to how they will perform.
Recently other shops have started offering the option to pay extra to insure so you get your money back if there’s not enough snow to ski. You don’t need to do this!
We give you your money back as part of our normal refund policy for the unused period as soon as you return the equipment to us whether it’s that there’s not enough snow, too much snow, it’s too cold, the weather is too bad or just any other reason at all.
Whether you’re staying a long way from the town centre and main lifts, you have young children and don’t want to carry their kit as well as your own or you just want to head off to après ski without worrying about your skis being stolen you can store your gear, overnight, with us at our Slopeside shop.
Our overnight equipment storage is FREE to use for people renting from us and 5 euros / day for people with their own equipment. (You cannot use our storage system if you have rented equipment from another shop).
Leave your hired equipment – boots / skis / board – with us when you come off the slopes at the end of the day and pick it up in the morning - leaving your shoes with us during the day. What could be easier?
Slopeside Overnight Storage - @ Rond Point des Pistes (next to the main lifts and bus stop and at the bottom of the Solaise pistes and nursery slopes).
Unique to Snowberry, we have a dedicated courtesy transport service operating all day on Saturdays and Sundays to bring you to our Slopeside shop to collect your equipment and then take you and the kit back to your accommodation.
Just call this number on arrival into resort and we’ll send a vehicle round -
Please note - Courtesy Transport is available to and from our Slopeside location only due to parking restrictions at Streetside. So if you are booking take care to book gear pick-up from this shop.
Proper ski and boot hire is not simple, straight forward or guaranteed, it requires a high degree of technical knowledge, experience and input to get it correct.
Listening to your needs and advising you on the best most suitable gear in English and then fitting it correctly is key to you having an enjoyable and positive skiing experience. And believe me this is NOT easy or straight forward. This needs a high level of technical knowledge and experience.
Accurate communication is made that bit easier as all our staff are native English speakers.
No ‘untrained Saturday boys’, we are true technical experts, we have some of the most experienced staff in the ski industry.
We worked out we have almost 200 seasons of combined experience in the business between us.
Most of us are qualified ski instructors, and some have been with us for over 25 years, so we know what we are doing.
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Most ski shops buy just a small selection of new equipment every year and you pay the same whether you are one of the lucky few who get the new kit or more likely one of the unlucky ones who gets kit that can be – we kid you not – eight or more seasons old. We don’t think that’s fair. So for advance bookings we let YOU chose how old your skis will be and the price reflects that choice.
Rent from our Premium 2020 range and you are guaranteed brand new 2020 skis, board or boots. We won’t fob you off with old kit when you want the best! No other shop in Val offers you this guarantee for everyone from beginner to expert level.
It makes such a difference to ski on new equipment. It has more life and sharper edges so it responds and performs way better. Boots will be more comfortable and better-fitting. And very importantly, the bindings will be safer – newer springs are more accurate and the binding won’t rip out, at best ruining your day and at worst causing serious injury!
Most ski shops buy just a small selection of new equipment every year and you pay the same whether you are one of the lucky few who get the new kit or more likely one of the unlucky ones who gets kit that can be – we kid you not – eight or more seasons old. We don’t think that’s fair. So for advance bookings we let YOU chose how old your skis will be and the price reflects that choice.
Rent from our Premium 2020 range and you are guaranteed brand new 2020 skis, board or boots. We won’t fob you off with old kit when you want the best! No other shop in Val offers you this guarantee for everyone from beginner to expert level.
It makes such a difference to ski on new equipment. It has more life and sharper edges so it responds and performs way better. Boots will be more comfortable and better-fitting. And very importantly, the bindings will be safer – newer springs are more accurate and the binding won’t rip out, at best ruining your day and at worst causing serious injury!
If all you’re looking for is a cheap ski hire option, there are certainly plenty of them out there but in most cases you’re making a serious compromise in terms of quality, service, age and condition of the equipment and in some cases you’re settling for kit that is so old it’s not even safe.
We pride ourselves in the quality of our Lowcost kit, offering the cheapest like-for-like no frills ski hire package to compete with the proliferation of discount websites out there. At the same time, there are a number of factors that we consider are essential for ANY ski hire, regardless of the price. So you can be assured that your skis will have been properly serviced before you get them, that your boots will be properly fitted, that your bindings will be in safe condition and properly adjusted and that you will be able to change anything at any time without being charged a change fee.
Our Lowcost range offers all ability levels from beginner to expert and our skis are guaranteed a maximum of 2 seasons old. Why would you pay more to rent older, less suitable equipment elsewhere?
Choose from 80 different models
This section is currently being updated
It makes such a difference to ski on new equipment. It has more life and sharper edges so it responds and performs way better. Boots will be more comfortable and better-fitting. And very importantly, the bindings will be safer – newer springs are more accurate and the binding won’t rip out, at best ruining your day and at worst causing serious injury!
Quality equipment is just as important for your children as it is for every other member of your family, both from the point of view of helping them have fun on the mountain and from the all-important point of view of safety. Too many shops make their children’s equipment last way past its sell by date, so your children might be disappointed when they’re given skis that are older than they are!
Book your children’s equipment from our Snowberry Premium Junior range and we guarantee kit that has been rented out for less than 30 days.
We won’t fob you off with old kit when you want the best! No other shop in Val offers you this guarantee for children’s equipment.
Choose from over 40 different models
If all you’re looking for is a cheap ski hire option for your children, in most cases you’re making a serious compromise in terms of quality, service, age and condition of the equipment and in some cases you’re settling for kit that is so old it’s not even safe.
We pride ourselves in the quality of our Lowcost kit, offering the cheapest like-for-like no frills ski hire package to compete with the proliferation of discount websites out there. At the same time, there are a number of factors that we consider are essential for ANY ski hire, regardless of the price. So you can be assured that your children’s skis will have been properly serviced, that their boots will be properly fitted, that their bindings will be in safe condition and properly adjusted and that they will be able to change anything at any time without being charged a change fee.
Our Lowcost range covers beginner to expert children up to 12 years old and our skis are guaranteed a maximum of 3 seasons old. Why would you pay more to rent older, less suitable equipment elsewhere?
Choose from over 25 different models
With commercial ski hire the majority of shops buy just a small selection of new equipment every year and you pay the same whether you are one of the lucky few who get the new kit or more likely one of the unlucky ones who gets kit that can be – we kid you not – eight or more seasons old. We don’t think that’s fair. So for advance bookings we let YOU chose how old your skis will be and the price reflects that choice.
Newer skis obviously look a lot nicer to start with, less skiers mean less scratches and dints, but the cosmetic appearance is only one aspect and doesn’t any difference to the performance of the skis. However there are a lot of reasons why you will get an awful lot more in terms of comfort and performance from newer skis. A ski straight out of the packet is full of life and rebound, the edges are beautifully tuned and the bases are smooth and run perfectly. As it gets a bit older the core materials start to break down and the ski loses a bit of its pop, the edges naturally become a little rounder every time burrs have to be serviced off and the base gets just that little bit thinner and doesn’t hold wax quite as well.
All of these reasons mean it’s certainly well worth while hiring the best and newest skis you can which is why we give you the option, for just 5 Euros a day, to upgrade from our main Premium range to the Premium Plus option, skis guaranteed brand new at the beginning of the 2021/22 season so right at the top of their game.
Alternatively, if your priority is still to get the famous Snowberry quality and service but money is tight, you can downgrade to the Eco option and save 5 Euros a day.
The newest selection of top models available
Guaranteeed 'new - this season'
Our main ski ranges
Guaranteeed 'top quality' skis
Our 'commercial level' skis
The cheapest like-for-like prices available
Recommended for: 0 - 2 weeks' experience
Recommended for: 0 - 2 weeks' experience
Recommended for: 0 - 2 weeks' experience
Recommended for: 0 - 2 weeks' experience
Recommended for: 0 - 2 weeks' experience
Recommended for: 0 - 2 weeks' experience
Soft flexing skis designed specifically for beginners make it easy to tip the ski over on the edge to initiate a turn and collapse easily into a skid or plough, also giving you plenty of time to correct your mistakes before they react.
Recommended for: 1 - 4 weeks' experience
Once you reach the stage where you are happy for a few hours on your own, without an instructor, you need to step your skis up a level too.
Our lower intermediate skis are shaped to encourage the transition from skid to carve yet still allow you to break out of the end of the turn when you need to and are soft enough to let you get away with the inevitable wobbles.
Recommended for: 3 - 12 weeks' experience
At intermediate advanced level, skis are designed to engage quickly in the turn and hold on to the carve but at the same time they will allow you a bit of a skid where you still need it, especially at the end of the turn. These are the skis to push you to perfect your carving technique.
Recommended for: 10+ weeks' experience
We have a wide choice of high-end performance skis available for good advanced to expert skiers.
Models are separated into distinct disciplines at this level from high end aggressive piste carvers to wide, floaty off-piste skis.
Again, we have a massive range of models that you won’t find in any other hire shop, these aren’t cheap rental look-alikes, they’re the real McCoy, the sort of thing expert skiers buy for their own personal use.
Recommended for – very good skiers
Our Expert & Limited Edition range of skis are the very best of the very best out there, These are what the real pros ski on.
This is equipment that you will rarely find available to rent. We have a very wide range of models covering all the main ski disciplines, but numbers are limited in each size so book early to avoid disappointment!
Recommended for: 0 - 4 weeks' experience
Lengths 65cms – 150cms
Our entry level junior skis are specifically designed for first time skiers to learn and develop on. Confidence building for children starting out. For children from around 3 up to age 12.
Recommended for: 3+ weeks' experience
Lengths 100cms – 150cms
At intermediate advanced level, skis are more performance orientated for the developing junior skier. Designed to be more reactive, engage quicker and hold the turn more but at the same time allowing a bit of a skid where its needed.
Within this category we also have some very high end junior skis, with everything from full-on junior race skis to proper off piste skis close to 100 underfoot which at these lengths is wide wide wide. Stocks are limited so make sure and book.
Recommended for: 0 - 4 weeks' experience
Soft-flexing, easy-turning, light and manoeuvrable boards, ideal for those learning to ride or crossing over from skis for a day.
Recommended for: 3+ weeks' experience
A range of all-mountain, freeride and freestyle boards for the more advanced rider looking for higher performance and faster and more accurate reactions. Within this range we also have a smaller quantity of very high end boards for proper experts.
Recommended for – 0+ weeks experience
When we say we have boards for kids of all ages, we really do! What’s more our junior boards are all recent and in great condition. Our junior boards start at 80cms and our boots go right down to a size 14 mondopoint – that’s the size of an average 2 to 3 year old child!
Most ski shops buy just a small selection of new equipment every year and you pay the same whether you are one of the lucky few who get the new kit or more likely one of the unlucky ones who gets kit that can be – we kid you not – eight or more seasons old. We don’t think that’s fair. So for advance bookings we let YOU chose how old your skis will be and the price reflects that choice.
Rent from our Premium 2020 range and you are guaranteed brand new 2020 skis, board or boots. We won’t fob you off with old kit when you want the best! No other shop in Val offers you this guarantee for everyone from beginner to expert level.
It makes such a difference to ski on new equipment. It has more life and sharper edges so it responds and performs way better. Boots will be more comfortable and better-fitting. And very importantly, the bindings will be safer – newer springs are more accurate and the binding won’t rip out, at best ruining your day and at worst causing serious injury!
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You may well think all ski shops have skis and all ski shops have boots and they’re all the same so all that matters is who has the cheapest price - but you couldn’t be further from the truth!
Most of the rest of this website is taken up with telling you all about what it is that makes our skis and our boots different from everyone else’s, and they certainly are way, way different from everyone else’s – but there’s more to us than just our equipment.
Just as important is our personality – what makes us tick! We’re not businessmen stuck in an office somewhere, moving numbers around to make money out of other people’s products. We’re people just like you. Some of us are instructors and some of us ski or board just for fun but we do this because we love the sport and we love the lifestyle. We’ve been in the ski hire game for 30 years now and almost a dozen of our team have been working with us since the mid 1990’s, so we’re all great friends rather than just work colleagues. All of this makes a massive difference, the atmosphere in the shops is young, fun and all about skiing or snowboarding – a real community of us,, our friends, and our clients many of whom have also become friends over the years.
We’re also not complacent. Although people are constantly telling us how good we are (thanks!), we don’t rest on our laurels. We are always looking for ways to adjust and fine tune what we do and how we do it so it’s even better every year. And what’s more we don’t compare ourselves against our competitors, we are constantly looking at how good WE want to be, whether we are there yet and how we can get there. Needless to say, we’re constantly moving the goalposts so the search for absolute perfection continues – but we’re getting closer and closer every year!
Booking with Snowberry combines the best of all worlds – the convenience of a modern and efficient online booking system with the personal touch and attention to detail of a face to face service.
Prior to making your booking, you’ll find pretty much everything we can think of that you might need to know on this site, but if there’s anything we’ve forgotten or you need more information about, just email us through the contact form and we’ll get right back to you. Whether you want to know more about the literally hundreds of different models of skis we have in stock, have an enquiry about our transport service, wonder which of our shops is more convenient for where you’ll be staying or want to check availability for our exclusive in-chalet fitting service, just drop us a line. We will usually get back to you within a few hours at most.
Once you’ve got all of the information you need, our online booking system has been designed exclusively by us. It’s not like most of the other booking sites you will find which are literally only interested in getting you to tick a couple of boxes and enter your card details! We don’t just ask you what ability level of skis you want, we ask you what kind of skiing you would like to do and give you the option to choose the age of your skis and of course what price you pay for them. We also record all of the other info we need to provide you with the best and most suitable equipment and not just “a pair of silver skis”, to properly and safely adjust your bindings in accordance with ISO standards and to prepare your booking and all of the paperwork before you come in to collect it.
Lastly, once we receive your booking it doesn’t just go into a computer system as it does with other shops. It goes straight into Susan’s email in box where she checks every detail to make sure it’s all correct and everything makes sense. Don’t be surprised if you get an email from us checking you’ve booked for the right date or rental period, suggesting you might find or other shop more convenient than the one you have booked for or saying that we think you might have over-estimated your ability as a 3 week skier and would probably be better with intermediate skis rather than the expert ones you have booked!
The personal service continues right up to your arrival day, through your holiday and beyond. Any problems, queries, or whatever, you just have to ask and we’ll get back to you right away. We are not bound by systems, small print and red tape. Our mantra is and always has been good, old-fashioned customer service so we’ll do whatever we can – within reason – to make sure your Snowberry ski hire is the best you’ve ever had.
If you’re used to being asked your size and handed a pair of boots, you’ll be surprised to see how we do it at Snowberry. Our specialist bootfitters have decades of experience including fitting many World Cup skiers and other pros and our rental bootfitting’s no different, involving our exclusive high end custom fitting process.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our boot-fitting and on the time and trouble we take to make sure everyone gets the RIGHT boots. We carry over 60 different models so we have the perfect fit no matter how “funny” your feet are and all of our boots are fitted with skier orthotics for comfort and performance. As a result our clients regularly tell us they have never had comfortable boots until now, or ask us to sell them our rental boots.
Ski boots come with a flat cardboard insole that doesn’t look like the underside of any foot we ever saw. We throw these away and replace them with proper skier orthotics, designed to support and stabilise the foot and limit its dynamic mobility which is the main limiting factor in fitting ski boots properly.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to fit boots correctly without first stabilising the foot. Without an orthotic you’lll end up with a boot that’s way too big. Yes, it will feel comfortable in the shop (your feet aren’t even touching the sides!) but as soon as you start to ski your feet start to move around inside the boot leading to lack of control, pain and discomfort.
Snowberry are the ONLY shop that we know of that actively uses a system of orthotics in ALL our rental boots (even for children), thereby ensuring the best possible fit for everyone, for both comfort and performance.
The newer your skis are, the more lively and responsive they are and the sharper the edges are. Newer bindings are much safer - the springs are more accurate, and the binding won’t rip out, leading to a ruined day or a serious injury. And newer boots hold your foot more securely (better for both comfort and performance) and fit better into the binding so they’re safer too.
At Snowberry we won’t fob you off with 10 year old gear, on its last legs and way past its sell-by date. We buy literally lorryloads of new kit every year!
Most shops buy much less, though you still pay the same whether you’re one of the unlucky few who gets reasonably recent kit or one of the unlucky ones who gets equipment that is way past its sell-by date. We don’t think that’s fair so we give you the option to upgrade from our main “Premium” range to “Premium Plus” (guaranteed new kit for the current season) or to downgrade to our “Eco Option”, even then still newer and in better condition than a lot of what you’ll pay way more for elsewhere. Either way, you know what age of kit you’re getting and you don’t pay new ski price for older equipment. We can’t say fairer than that!
Everyone’s different – what one person thinks is the best ski ever made is someone else’s “piece of wet spaghetti”! And even if you love the skis you take out on day one, conditions change, you may have booked a guide for a day off-piste or you might just want to try something different.
So many shops have literally just two or three options in each of their ranges, so if you don’t like the first skis or you want to change during the week, there’s a good chance you’ll be told there’s nothing else left available for you to change into!
This is why at Snowberry we carry a wider range of different models of skis, boards, boots and other equipment than any other rental shop we have ever heard of, anywhere. In fact, most years we buy around 100 different MODELS of just adult skis, before we even start on children’s equipment, boards, boots etc. We defy you to find a wider range of choice in any shop, even on their retail racks.
BEWARE – just because a ski is in the top category on some outwardly-respectable ski hire site that’s actually based somewhere in Eastern Europe does NOT mean it’s an expert level ski! It’s all too common for some of these sites to fill their “advanced” ranges with intermediate skis, on the basis that you don’t know any better and it makes their prices look cheaper. This is just a con!
At Snowberry we DO NOT cheapen our rental ability levels by filling our advanced ranges up with intermediate skis. We also don’t buy cheap rental ‘look-alikes” of popular high-end models as they are NOT the same! The models that we stock at Snowberry are, with no exception, the best available in each ability level grouping.
Don’t be fooled, make sure what you actually get it what you think you have paid for!
Every year we write about ski servicing, we write about how important it is and we write about how we do it properly but still it’s really hard to get over as the importance of quality ski servicing is very much mis-understood and overlooked.
A poorly serviced ski or as is often the case, a ski that has not been serviced at all, will basically ruin your skiing. Unskiable, slow, catchy, no grip are all signs that the ski has been poorly serviced, but people don’t really appreciate just how important properly serviced skis are until they get a really bad tune or skis that haven’t seen a workshop in weeks. They also don’t realise that when other shops say their skis are “regularly serviced” that doesn’t mean “freshly serviced every time”, it could literally mean twice a season. Also ‘fully serviced’ does not mean a quick run over the machine waxer as is often the case!
So all we will say is that we DO service all of our skis fully and properly before every single rental, and that it DOES make a massive difference!
Binding adjustment is another area that is really hard to explain, and everyone just assumes that all shops do “do it right” – but we can assure you, they don’t.
We have people working for us who worked in other shops before who had never been taught how to adjust bindings properly and didn’t even know what a binding adjustment chart WAS before they came to us, never mind know how to use one!
This seems to be pretty much the standard in many shops and the commonest way to adjust bindings is just to take a look at the client and guess! There’s even a common belief in some places that you just divide someone’s weight by 10 to get their binding setting – this is totally wrong but very, very dangerous.
All Snowberry staff are fully and properly trained on proper and safe binding adjustment in accordance with ISO standards and we rigorously follow this protocol every time and keep detailed records of the information you provide to us which we use to adjust your bindings. So please don’t be offended if we ask you to step onto our scales!
Proper ski and boot hire is not simple, straight forward or guaranteed, it requires a high degree of technical knowledge, experience and input to get it correct.
Listening to your needs and advising you on the best most suitable gear and then fitting it correctly is key to you having an enjoyable and positive skiing experience. And believe me this is NOT easy or straight forward. This needs a high level of technical knowledge and experience.
Our staff team are our secret ingredient.
No ‘untrained Saturday boys’, we are true technical experts, we have some of the most experienced staff in the ski industry.
We worked out we have almost 300 seasons of combined experience in the business between us.
Many of us are qualified ski instructors, and some have been with us for over 25 years, so we know what we are doing.
And we all speak English which is important.
We have 2 very conveniently located shops in the resort for equipment collection.
Our flagship shop, Snowberry Streetside, is slap bang in the middle of the main street, super convenient for all of the hotels, apartments and chalets in the town centre. It’s also just across the road from the main bus stop so one of the easiest shops in the whole of Val to get to from the satellite areas of La Daille, Le Crêt or Le Fornet.
Alternatively if it suits you better to collect your kit close to the slopes then head straight off to the lifts, our Snowberry Slopeside collection point – the original Snowberry Val d’Isère – is ideally suited for access to the main pistes, open for rental collection from Friday afternoon to Monday afternoon.
Avenue OlympiqueOpening Hours
Saturday - Sunday 830 - 2000
Monday 830 - 1900
Tues Wed Thurs 830 – 1230 & 1530 - 1900
Friday 830 - 1900
Rond Point des PistesOpening Hours
Saturday - Sunday 830 - 1900
Monday 830 – 1130
Tues Wed Thurs - closed
Friday 1400 – 1900
Most online booking websites will only refund if you have paid for additional cancellation insurance, for a strictly limited number of reasons and/or will impose hefty cancellation charges which may be as much as the whole hire price for last minute cancellations. Likewise, many do not refund for early returns at all or will only do so for illness or injury, only on production of a medical report and only for the person who is actually ill/injured which is not much use if you have to stop skiing too to look after an ill child! Some sites have even started charging you extra to be allowed a refund if you return the equipment early if there’s not enough snow to ski.
Our policy is simple and clear, if you cancel your booking or return any of your equipment earlier than originally planned NO MATTER WHY we will give you a full and immediate refund of the relevant price. No ifs, no buts, no maybes, no small print and no excuses. We can’t say fairer than that.
The above applies equally to Covid refunds, no matter when or why you need to cancel your hire or return your equipment early, we give you a full and immediate refund.
Why trudge through the snow or queue for a bus in -20℃ when Snowberry courtesy transport is available all weekend long?
On your arrival day we'll come and get you at your accommodation. Step out of your front door and into one of our vehicles - in just a couple of minutes you'll be stepping out again right by the front door of Snowberry Slopeside at Rond Point des Pistes.
You get your gear organised, and then we'll take you back to your accommodation again. What could be easier and more convenient.
We have a full professional team of dedicated drivers and up to six vehicles operating all weekend and a transport co-ordinator organising it all. Just give us a call on arrival and we’ll send a vehicle round as soon as possible.
Our courtesy transport service is available all weekend long (to our Slopeside shop only), so give us a call when you are ready to come or ask your chalet host to contact us.
The number to call is - 06 16 28 50 08
When you finish on the slopes in the evening just drop your gear off at one of our shops and then pick it up the next morning when you’re ready to go skiing - a godsend for families with children, people staying a long way from the slopes, those who fancy a bit of après (Val’s main apres spot is just round the corner from our Slopeside shop) but don't really want to leave their skis outside the bar or really just anyone who can't be bothered to carry their skis back to their accommodation!
If you’re renting on your first morning, come ready to ski and leave your shoes with us once you’ve been fitted for everything, then come back in after skiing, leave us your skis and swap your boots for your shoes. If you rent on the evening you arrive, you don’t even have to take your skis away with you. Just leave them in the shop once it’s all sorted out and collect them in the morning when you’re ready to go.
When you finish on the slopes in the evening just drop your gear off at one of our shops and then pick it up the next morning when you’re ready to go skiing - a godsend for families with children, people staying a long way from the slopes, those who fancy a bit of après (Val’s main apres spot is just round the corner from our Slopeside shop) but don't really want to leave their skis outside the bar or really just anyone who can't be bothered to carry their skis back to their accommodation!
If you’re renting on your first morning, come ready to ski and leave your shoes with us once you’ve been fitted for everything, then come back in after skiing, leave us your skis and swap your boots for your shoes. If you rent on the evening you arrive, you don’t even have to take your skis away with you. Just leave them in the shop once it’s all sorted out and collect them in the morning when you’re ready to go.
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Each orthotic has a Marino Wool covering which greatly enhances heat retention facilitating warmer feet. This is an absolute winner in very cold weather!
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Each orthotic has a Marino Wool covering which greatly enhances heat retention facilitating warmer feet. This is an absolute winner in very cold weather!
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Each orthotic has a Marino Wool covering which greatly enhances heat retention facilitating warmer feet. This is an absolute winner in very cold weather!
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Each orthotic has a Marino Wool covering which greatly enhances heat retention facilitating warmer feet. This is an absolute winner in very cold weather!
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Each orthotic has a Marino Wool covering which greatly enhances heat retention facilitating warmer feet. This is an absolute winner in very cold weather!
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Each orthotic has a Marino Wool covering which greatly enhances heat retention facilitating warmer feet. This is an absolute winner in very cold weather!
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Each orthotic has a Marino Wool covering which greatly enhances heat retention facilitating warmer feet. This is an absolute winner in very cold weather!
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Snowberry has developed a unique process for fitting ski boots in rental. This process is based on exactly the same principles you would experience in one of the world’s leading retail fitting centres and is based on a 3-Step Process.
The first stage of your boot fit is a thorough examination of both feet to allow us to select the correct shell shape and boot model.
This involves is a unique 8-point analysis –
The information gained from your foot analysis enables us to select the most suitable boot from over 60 different models for adults and another 27 models for kids. The aim is to select the boot that best resembles the shape of your foot which will hold your foot firmly but comfortably.
The key to good bootfitting is shell (model) selection. As every boot model varies in length, width, instep height, volume distribution, ankle and toe box areas, this is extremely difficult.
Wrong shell selection is the single biggest problem skiers have with rental boots.
Very few skiers actually know how to put a ski boot on and clip it up correctly.
For this reason, we personally fit every boot - opening the shell up, sliding your foot in and correctly clipping it up, explaining the importance of this process - especially regarding comfort, boot performance, cold feet and safety issues regarding binding release.
Do not underestimate the importance of this. It sets the foot correctly in the boot, and believe it or not, improves your skiing performance and keeps your feet more comfortable and warmer.
Proper boot-fitting starts by stabilizing the foot and limiting the dynamic mobility of the foot which is the main limiting factor when trying to fit boots correctly. To do this we put orthotics in every boot.
The orthotic is THE ESSENTIAL, without one you will end up with a boot that is far too big, the result - your foot will move around leading to lack of control, pain and discomfort.
It is impossible to fit a ski boot correctly without firstly stabilising the foot using a skier specific orthotic - it simply cannot be done!
Snowberry are the ONLY shop that we know of that actively uses a system of orthotics in ALL our rental boots (even for juniors).
Draw what conclusions you wish from this!
It’s beyond doubt that your ski boots are the most crucial part of your equipment by a long, long way. If they’re not right or they don’t fit properly, your week on the slopes will be a week of misery and agony. It won’t just be your skiing that’s ruined, your whole holiday will probably be a disaster.
Most ski hire shops buy in no more than a few models of low end rental boots, made from cheap materials with thin, uncomfortable liners which don’t do much to protect your feet from the hard plastic shell, rivets and joints.
Rental boots also tend to be very large volume, so as many different foot shapes as possible can fit in them – if you have a narrower foot the wide boots will feel comfortable when you put them on in the shop (your feet aren’t even touching the sides!) but once you start skiing in them your feet will be slopping about everywhere meaning you can’t control your skis properly and giving you bruises, blisters and pain. More advanced skiers will also find these lower end rental boots far too soft in their flex, resulting in rubbing, shin-bang and again loss of control.
This is not how we do it at Snowberry. We take our boot selection just as seriously as we take our skis. Every year we buy in literally dozens of different models of PROPER ski boots, not the cheap ones made for rental, to suit very ability level of skier and pretty much every shape and size of foot we can imagine. Every year we get hundreds of clients telling us they’d always hated the annual family ski holiday until they tried our boots, or asking us if they can buy their boots from us at the end of the week.
The main thing that happens to a ski boot as it gets older is that the foam liner packs out and condenses with continual use, becoming thinner and more ‘felty”. With a newer boot the liner is soft and padded so holds your foot and lower leg firmly but comfortably and provides plenty of warmth and protection. At the more performance-orientated end the liner is more streamlined so you get less diffusion of information and more immediate and accurate control of your skis, but a newer liner is still considerably more comfortable than an older one.
Because boots are so important, we strongly recommend you opt for the premium boots if at all possible even you’re renting Eco skis. The daily price difference isn’t much more than the cost of a hot chocolate on the mountain, it’s money well spent!
Our main ski ranges
Guaranteeed 'top quality' skis
Our 'commercial level' skis
The cheapest like-for-like prices available
It’s really important that you put your boots on properly every morning. Even though they’re the right size and the right shape, putting boots on incorrectly can result in all sorts of problems – cold feet, sore toes, shin pain and instep and forefoot pressure can all result from putting your boots on wrongly. Your skiing performance can also be adversely affected!
You’d be surprised how many people who’ve been skiing for years don’t know the right way to put their boots on.
For this reason, we show every one of our boot clients how to put their boots on and how to clip up properly.
Standing up, make sure your socks are suitable and are pulled up properly, no wrinkles and are nice and smooth.
Wrinkles and lumps inside the boots can cause rubbing and blisters.
Undo all the clips and open the first boot right up.
Pull the tongue forward AND to the side at the same time – this makes a nice big hole to get your foot in.
Slide your foot in, down and round the corner of the hinge point.
Your toes should slide right to the front of the boot and feel firm against the end of the boot. Don’t panic this is normal and is a sign that the boot is the correct size. When we clip the boot up your toes will be pulled back in the boot away from the front.
Now push your heel well down into the heel pocket at the back of the boot.
Now tap your heel firmly on the ground to force your heel as far back into the boot heel pocket as possible. This will set your heel back into the heelcup of the boot, and your ankle bone into the ankle pocket – the control point of the boot.
Your instep will be pulled back into the highest point of the shell, the forefoot back into the widest point of the shell and your toes will be pulled back from the front of the shell.
Setting the foot correctly is vital to ensure the optimum fit of the boot, improving both general comfort and performance but also specifically aiding forefoot blood supply and helping with cold feet.
Now we need to lock the foot in this position so with the heel set, do the boots up IN THIS ORDER.
In this order –
This is where most people get it wrong!
Tip - If you have a very high instep loosely fasten clip 3 up first to close the boot overlap so that it does not catch.
Stand up and flex into the boot a few times to really slide the heel back into the heel pocket.
Now tighten up the top two buckles to firmly lock the foot in position.
Starting with clip 2 alternate clip 2 then clip 1, one ratchet at a time. Repeat until clips are firmly closed.
Clip 2 is the most important as it holds your heel in the heel pocket of the boot, so it needs to be nice and tight.
Clip 1 should be tight but not uncomfortably so. If it is too tight it can squeeze the calf muscle cutting off the blood supply down the back of the leg.
The micro-adjustments on the buckles can be used to fine-tune the fit.
Loosely close the power band at this point.
Now hook the two forefoot buckles over the first ratchet and flex a few more times.
Next close them properly but NOT TOO TIGHTLY. They should just be tight enough for you to feel the boot around your foot and no more.
Any tighter and you’ll end up with all sorts of problems!
Lastly, re-tighten the power strap so it’s tight but comfortable. Again, you don’t want it cutting off the circulation to your lower leg and foot.
It is safe to say that every single skier, beginner to expert, needs some sort of sports orthotic in their ski boot.
Proper boot-fitting starts by stabilizing the foot and limiting the dynamic mobility of the foot which is the main limiting factor when trying to select the correct shell shape and fit a boot correctly.
To do this we use a skier orthotic.
The orthotic is THE ESSENTIAL part of bootfitting, without one you cannot select the correct shell size and shape and will end up having to use a boot that is far too big, the result - your foot will move around leading to lack of control, pain and discomfort.
It is impossible to fit a ski boot correctly without firstly stabilising the foot using a skier specific orthotic - it simply cannot be done!
Snowberry are the ONLY shop that we know of that actively uses a system of orthotics in ALL our rental boots (even for juniors).
Draw what conclusions you wish from this!
The human foot is an extremely complex structure. It's dynamic in character and constantly changes its shape, volume, height and length as you weight and unweight it - ie as you flex in a ski boot.
So how on earth are you supposed to fit this foot – with no fixed shape or length - into the fixed confines of a hard plastic ski boot without it being at best uncomfortable and at worst excruciatingly painful?
The easy answer is by fitting a boot that is far to big.
Remember that every boot model has a slightly different shape so only certain models are suitable for certain feet.
Only by using an orthotic can we fit you in the correct shape and size of boot.
It is absolutely correct to say that you cannot fit select the correct boot shell and therefore fit a ski boot properly without first addressing foot instability issues.
The orthotic also has many other benefits relating to comfort and ultimately performance.
By supporting and stabilising the foot an orthotic will help to reduce foot movement in the boot which can cause rubbing and bruising. Blood flow is also improved resulting in warmer toes.
A supported foot has better contact with the boot and ski resulting in better feeling and control and it also improves body alignment - all of which lead to better performance.
If you have hired ski boots elsewhere in the past you may very well have experienced at least some of the following problems, all of which can be improved by using an orthotic -
PROBLEM your foot moves inside your boot
PROBLEM you tend to over tighten the front clips of your boots
PROBLEM you sometimes suffer from cramping under the foot
PROBLEM your forefoot goes numb especially when skiing hard
PROBLEM you suffer from cold feet
PROBLEM you get rubbing on your inside ankle bone
PROBLEM your foot continually aches and hurts
PROBLEM you get bruising on your shin
PROBLEM your toes hit the ends of your boots
PROBLEM you find it hard to control your skis
PROBLEM your ski tips wobble when you travel straight
PROBLEM you find edging difficult
PROBLEM you’re getting blisters
PROBLEM you have a bunion
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If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
The liner of the boot is the soft foam inner fits inside the shell.
The liner is made from pliable cushioning material and encases the foot protecting it from the hard plastic shell.
The liner aids both fit and also acts as the insulation layer along with the sock to insulate the foot from the cold.
The liner is designed to be removed from the boot to ease drying and boot repair.
The tongue of the boot is attached to the front of the liner.
It is designed to protect the shin from the hard plastic shell.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want your equipment to be ready on your arrival, please make sure the information given above is as accurate as possible so that we can reserve the best, most suitable equipment for your needs. Remember that you will be skiing on your gear all day. Your comfort, enjoyment and safety is directly related to the quality and suitability of your gear so take your time and make sure your gear selections are correct.
For reservations made less than 24 hours in advance our shops will do their utmost to ensure that equipment is ready, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
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Just to reasure you our refund policy is and always has been that you only pay for our hire services if you do take the equipment, and only for the period for which you keep the equipment. This relates to cancellation or curtailment as a result of Covid 19 in exactly the same way as it does to anything else. If you have to cancel your hire with us because of a new outbreak (or for any reason whatsoever) you WILL get all of your money back, immediately and with no questions asked. No ifs, no buts, no maybes and no fobbing you off with a voucher or telling you to claim on your holiday insurance.
In March 2020 when we were forced to close at a moment’s notice, we immediately and automatically refunded all clients who had booked with us for the remainder of the season without them even having to contact us to request a refund. As far as we know we were the first and one of the very few hire shops anywhere in the World to have done so. Regardless of the legal arguments, we feel strongly that this was the only ethical thing to have done.
Most shops buy very little new equipment each year and you pay the same price whether you are one of the lucky ones who gets newer equipment or one of the unlucky ones who gets skis which are often – we kid you not – five or more seasons old and well past their sell-by date. We don’t think this is fair.
When you book with us we first of all ask you to chose the ability level from Level 1 (cautious beginner) up to a Level 5 expert. But then unlike other shops, you can also choose the age of skis you would like to have, with the final price you pay reflecting both factors. If you want this season’s brand new skis, you’re guaranteed to get them with our Premium Plus Optionstrong> while if you’re happy to compromise with older equipment our Eco Optionstrong> means you will never pay the same as someone who has the new skis. We can’t say fairer than that!
It is safe to say that every single skier, beginner to expert, needs some sort of sports orthotic in their ski boot.
It is safe to say that every single skier, beginner to expert, needs some sort of sports orthotic in their ski boot. It is safe to say that every single skier, beginner to expert, needs some sort of sports orthotic in their ski boot.
It is safe to say that every single skier, beginner to expert, needs some sort of sports orthotic in their ski boot. It is safe to say that every single skier, beginner to expert, needs some sort of sports orthotic in their ski boot.
The human foot is an extremely complex structure. It's dynamic in character and constantly changes its shape, volume, height and length as you weight and unweight it - ie as you flex in a ski boot.
So how on earth are you supposed to fit this foot – with no fixed shape or length - into the fixed confines of a hard plastic ski boot without it being at best uncomfortable and at worst excruciatingly painful?
The easy answer is by fitting a boot that is far to big.
Sounds simple but it works.
Skier orthotics support and stabilise your feet inside your boots, limiting the dynamic behavior – shape, length, height, volume change – and allowing us to choose a shell shape and length that closely resembles that of your foot ie a shell that is not 2 sizes to big!
Remember that every boot model has a slightly different shape so only certain models are suitable for certain feet.
Only by using an orthotic can we fit you in the correct shape and size of boot.
It is absolutely correct to say that you cannot fit select the correct boot shell and therefore fit a ski boot properly without first addressing foot instability issues.
The orthotic also has many other benefits relating to comfort and ultimately performance.
By supporting and stabilising the foot an orthotic will help to reduce foot movement in the boot which can cause rubbing and bruising. Blood flow is also improved resulting in warmer toes.
A supported foot has better contact with the boot and ski resulting in better feeling and control and it also improves body alignment - all of which lead to better performance.
If you have hired ski boots elsewhere in the past you may very well have experienced at least some of the following problems, all of which can be improved by using an orthotic -
PROBLEM your foot moves inside your boot
PROBLEM you tend to over tighten the front clips of your boots
PROBLEM you sometimes suffer from cramping under the foot
PROBLEM your forefoot goes numb especially when skiing hard
PROBLEM you suffer from cold feet
PROBLEM you get rubbing on your inside ankle bone
PROBLEM your foot continually aches and hurts
PROBLEM you get bruising on your shin
PROBLEM your toes hit the ends of your boots
PROBLEM you find it hard to control your skis
PROBLEM your ski tips wobble when you travel straight
PROBLEM you find edging difficult
PROBLEM you’re getting blisters
PROBLEM you have a bunion
The object of these terms and conditions is to define the general conditions of the rental of products offered by:
These terms and conditions apply to all reservations made through the site. They supersede any other conditions or documents. By reserving, the client accepts them fully and without reserve. Skishop reserves the right to modify them at any moment.The conditions applicable are those in vigour at the time of reservation.
The principal characteristics of the equipment and the options offered online are described on the site. Skishop reserves the right at any moment to retract one of more product references or any option featured on the site.The texts, photographs, graphics and information used in the description of products or options are non-contractual and may not be held in any way to bind Skishop. For further information concerning the products or options offered on the site, clients should contact Skishop:
By telephone on +33 (0)479 41 10 61 7 days a week 830 am to 1230 pm and 330 pm to 7pm from December to April only.
By e-mail at
Or at the following postal address: SAS SKISHOP129 Route des Marais, ZAC de la Gare, 73790 TOURS EN SAVOIE – FRANCE
The equipment and options offered on the site remain available only so long as they remain accessible on line, at Skishop’s sole decision, but subject to the proviso that availability is limited to the amount of stock available.
The rental prices and prices for the options offered on the site are given in Euros, including taxes, and remain valid so long as they remain accessible on the site, at Skishop’s sole decision. Skishop reserves the right at any time to modify the rental prices or the prices for the options offered on the site. The price applicable to a reservation will remain the price in force at the time of the reservation. Promotions or price reductions offered on the site are valid only for reservations made through the site. The price for any equipment rented or option taken in-shop, including additional equipment or options or modifications to a booking made online, will be based on the public prices displayed in-shop. However, for any extension of the rental period requested in-shop prior to the expiry of the initial period the hire cost will be charged in accordance with the prices and discounts applied at the time of the online booking.
Reservation of products and options offered on the site is made online using the following process
The contract consists of the the terms and conditions of booking and online rental prevailing at the time of booking, the reciept by Skishop of the customer’s reservation, the email confirmation of payment and reservation sent to the client. The customer may obtain a copy of these documents on request:- To the following email address : ;- Or to the postal address :SAS SKISHOP129 Route des Marais, ZAC de la Gare, 73790 TOURS EN SAVOIE - FRANCE
Payment of the rental price is made in Euros. No other currency is acceptable regardless of the nationality of the client or the country from which the booking is made.
Payment is made in advance during the booking process. Payment is made via the secure online Banque Populaire payment system. SKISHOP has access to confidential client information regarding payment as part of this process. The following payment methods are accepted:Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and other major credit cards)
The booking may be cancelled or amended by the client at any point up to the point of collection of the equipment, by contacting Skishop by e-mail at or by post at the address given above. The client does not require to give any justification for the cancellation of their booking and no penalty is applied. The right to cancel the contract can not under any circumstances be exercised after the client has taken possession of the equipment. In the case of cancellation of the contract by the client prior to collection of the equipment, the reimbursement of any sum paid by the client in advance will be made within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days from receipt of the client ‘s request to cancel the contract, by credit card used by the client to pay for the reservation.
The client may collect the equipment reserved at the date, time and place indicated in the confirmation e-mail.At the time of collection, the client must confirm that the equipment collected by them conforms to their reservation. In the event of the client not being satisfied that the equipment collected by them conforms to their reservation they must indicate any discrepancy or anomaly in their own handwriting accompanied by their signature. Failure by the client to indicate any such discrepancy will be held as acceptance that the equipment supplied to the client and collected by them conforms to their reservation.
The rental period is as indicated on the e-mail confirmation of the reservation. Any extension of this period may be arranged in-shop on collection of the equipment or during the rental period. Skishop reserve the right at their discretion to refuse a request for the extension of the rental period, in particular in the event of there being a problem with availability of the equipment. The prices and other conditions applying to this extended rental period will be those applicable at the time of the online reservation.
The client shall be the sole judge of their capacity to use the equipment rented and that of the persons identified as users of the equipment at the time of the reservation request. The client alone is responsible for their use of the equipment from the point when they take possession of it. The equipment rented is destined only for use by the client and those persons indicated as users of the equipment and the client has no right to sub-let the equipment or to lend it to third parties whether for a consideration or free of charge.
The equipment rented must be returned no later than 9 (nine) am on the day following the last day of the rental period. The client will be charged for a full day’s rental on the basis of the public prices available in-shop for any equipment not returned by the said time. In the event of failure to return the equipment for whatever reason the client will be invoiced, in addition to the rental price, on the basis of the following table
For equipment which is not new to the rental park in the current season, a fixed depreciation figure of 33 (thirty three) % per season which the equipment has been in use will be applied to the figures mentioned in the above table. For the avoidance of doubt it is specifically stated that no depreciation charge will be allowed in respect of the 2020/21 season. For clarity, it is specifically stated that the rental cost will not be deducted from the sums above.
In the absence of handwritten reserves made by the client at the time of collection of the equipment, the client recognises and accepts that the equipment is in good condition at the time of collection and must be returned in the same condition.
All equipment is coded and marked and the same equipment with the identical codes and marks must be returned
In the event of the equipment being damaged in any way due to negligence or deliberate misuse of the equipment by the client, the cost of returning the equipment to good condition will be invoiced to the client. Damage due to negligence or deliberate misuse of the equipment by the client which can not be repaired will be invoiced to the client on the same basis as equipment which has not been returned as outlined in the tables above. For clarity, it is specifically stated that the rental cost will not be deducted from the sums above. In all of these circumstances, where the equipment rental has been paid for by credit card the client authorises SKISHOP to charge all or any sums due as outlined in this article against the credit card used to pay for the reservation. It is specifically agreed that SKISHOP shall be the sole judge of what amount to negligence or deliberate misuse and on whether damage can or cannot be repaired.
At the time booking or at the time of collection of their equipment, the client may elect to select the optional insurance offered by SKISHOP which covers the risk of loss or theft of the skis or snowboards rented. Boots and helmets are not covered by this insurance.The cost of this option is:
This releases the client, subject to an excess being paid by them, from the obligation to pay the replacement cost of the equipment in the event of loss or theft of the equipment rented.The excess for which the client remains liable is as follows:
If the payment for the equipment rental has been made by credit card, the client authorises Skishop in advance to charge any excess due by this same method.
Should any of the equipment rented by the client be returned before the end of the rental period, for whatever reason, the period of rental remaining will be refunded in accordance with the prices and terms and conditions of rental applicable at the time of booking and payment.
Skishop will not be held responsible or liable in any way for any failure:
In no event will Skishop be liable in any way as a result of hypertext links from the site to other web sites. Skishop will not be liable in any event should it be impossible, as a result of the client ‘s fault, to acknowledge receipt of the rental request or to confirm the reservation by e-mail. This will apply in particular where the e-mail address supplied by the client does not exist, is wrong, is not valid or is saturated and unable to receive messages.
This contract is subject to French Law. The language of the contract is French. If the contract is translated into a foreign language the French version will rule.
Any litigation must be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts in Albertville (France) who will be the only courts of competent jurisdiction.